Friday, May 01, 2009


I'm in a position now that I never wanted to be in. Mary, I won't be making it to the wedding. I'm sorry. I've been offered the job in Idaho, and it comes with a substantial raise in pay and training, and they want me up there before the end of May. Vicki and I will be leaving to move my stuff and the RV up there on the 17th. I've been looking forward to celebrating with you and seeing all our cousins and spending time with the family, and I've made every effort in the past few years to get to Phoenix as often as possible, but this is unavoidable if I want to keep this job; an opportunity I don't think would crop up again. I've been very stressed about this, and not sleeping good, and I'm sick at heart that I won't be able to be there, but it's something I have to do and I hope everybody understands. Love Billy


Sisthren Jones said...


Congratulations on your new job and your new chapter in life. Have a safe trip!
